Inaugurated late last year, the Materials Development Laboratory or MATDEV has started rolling out its additive manufacturing services after its introduction to the public on March 25, 2021.
Riding on the wheels of novelty, MATDEV proposes an energy-efficient and waste-reducing technology. It employs the technology of additive manufacturing (AM), which is how objects are created in 3D printing. It is called additive manufacturing because the build process adds instead of subtracts raw material.
MATDEV also undertakes research and development on materials, such as ceramics, polymers, nanomaterials, and composites for additive manufacturing abled products. It aims to reduce the cost of raw materials by using local resources and increase the effective use of additive manufacturing abled products.
MATDEV is one of two facilities housed under DOST's Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMCen). AMCen is a shared facility between DOST-ITDI and the Metals Industry Research and Development Center (DOST-MIRDC). The second facility inside AMCEN is MIRDC's RAPPID-ADMATEC (Research on Advanced Prototyping for Product Innovation and Development using Additive Manufacturing Technologies).
Learn more about MATDEV and its AM services in DOST-ITDI's TekNegoShow Special Edition, an off-the-cuff online business talk show on technology, which will air narratives and insights of technology generators, business people, and the consuming public on how they perceive a featured technology.
TekNegoShow Special Edition can be viewed through its Facebook account TekNegoShow and Youtube ITDI DOST with a weekly Thursday afternoon (1:30 PM) show date beginning July 8 until August 12 of this year.
(AMGuevarra\\ DOST-ITDI S&T Media Service)
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