Sustainable technologies supported by the Department of Science and Technology
Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technologies Research and
Development or DOST PCIEERD are to be showcased during the 2023 National,
Science, Technology, and Innovation Week (NSTW) celebration in Iloilo City from
November 22 to 26, 2023.
The DOST PCIEERD champions techs such as the Electric Tricycle (e-Trike),
Converted Electric Tricycle (c-Trike), Flexible Electric Vehicle, LPG Public Utility
Vehicles (PUVs) Using an OEM Vehicle Platform, and Vehicle-to-Everything Initiatives
for Road Safety (VIROS) at the 2023 NSTW Main S&T Exhibits in Iloilo Convention
Center and the SESSY Boat at the Lawud S&T Exhibits in JBL Maritime Vanguard.
These locally developed technologies are groundbreaking initiatives for a cleaner and
more economical mode of transportation, as well as to enhance road safety and
efficiency in the country.
The e-vehicle technologies are good alternatives to the traditional gasoline-powered
jeepneys and tricycles. It could significantly reduce noise and air pollution and could
potentially lower its operation and maintenance costs. The LPG PUV, on the other hand,
promotes the use of cleaner alternative fuels and reduces tailpipe emissions,
contributing to a more sustainable public transportation system that is environment

Additionally, VIROS equips emergency response vehicles with on-board units that
establish seamless communication with road traffic infrastructure, including traffic lights.
This intelligent network prioritizes the lane of approaching emergency vehicles, ensuring
a clear, safe and quick passage.

Lastly, the Safe, Efficient, and Sustainable Solar-Assisted Plug-In Electric Boat, or
Sessy E-Boat, is equipped with two electric motorboats with solar panels, one using
lead-acid batteries and the other using lithium-ion batteries. It features a locally
developed automatic identification system (AIS) for safety and explores the
development of controllers for autonomous electric boats.
Join the 2023 NSTW celebration and see the actual technologies on display in Iloilo City
and participate is selected forums broadcast through Facebook or Youtube! To know
more about the 2023 NSTW and the interesting exhibit setups, download the mobile
app at https://bit.ly/nstw2023android for Android users and https://bit.ly/nstw2023ios for
iOS users. You can also follow the NSTW Official Facebook page at
#NSTWinIloiloCity #OneDOST4U #DOSTPh #DOSTPCIEERD #ScienceandTechnology #electricvehicle #sustainable #marketing #promotion #pr #mediapartner #socialmedia #blog #GandaNegosyo