To make a difference, one must have the passion and determination to not just achieve business goals, but also contribute to society through service that influences the lives of those around. This is what drove Architect Kaydee Velasco, CEO of Vi Group of Companies, to grow a family that serves and helps.
The Vi Group of Companies consists of subsidiaries that share the mission and vision of envisioning a world of innovation through the creation of a sustainable and resilient business ecosystem that goes beyond its own interests. The Group aims to empower the future through its world-class endeavors and corporate social responsibility.
This 2020, Velasco placed prime importance in contributing and supporting the cause for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the frontliners. Donation drives and other efforts are done by the Group to aid those in need. The Group also aligned early during the quarantine their goals and strategies to keep its employees motivated and on track. Budget reallocation was also done to support employees as well as more CSR projects. “This pandemic has hit the industries, more so families and individuals within and outside companies. This is an opportunity for us to rise up to what’s happening and help each other out in any way that we can. No effort is too small to alleviate the lives of others at this time.”
Velasco also continues to do start-up company support through mentorship, collaborations with SMEs, and utilization and promotion of local products. The Group also collaborates with foundations and schools for donation drives.
“Through our efforts, we want to inspire others – not just the leaders. It’s a collective effort among us Filipinos. It is our responsibility to look out for one another, as a nation,” added Velasco.

Velasco likewise encourages everyone, through her projects, to be involved in the creation and support of various Sustainability programs and developments that would benefit the economy and environment. Throughout the years, her efforts and work earned her numerous awards including the prestigious “Young CEO Awards from the Asia Leaders Awards.